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How to sterilize sealed glass jars

Airtight glass jars are a very practical tool in our kitchen utensils. For example, when pickling some things, or making some fruit cans, airtight glass jars are necessary utensils. Before making those dishes, don't neglect the crucial step of sterilizing the glass jars. The disinfection of glass jars is not done well, and it is easy to breed bacteria in cooking. Let's talk about how to properly sterilize glass jars today.

First step:

Prepare an airtight bottle and wash it with cold water.

Second step:

Then put the sealed bottle in the pot, add enough cold water to cover the bottle, boil the water on high heat, and continue to cook for 10 minutes. The cooked bottle is turned upside down on the chopping board to control the moisture.

Third step:

Pour a small amount of liquor into the bottle, hold the body of the bottle with your hand, tilt the bottle at an angle of 45 degrees, turn the bottle around so that the liquor spreads over every corner of the inner wall of the bottle, pour out the liquor in the bottle, and let it dry naturally , the bottle is completely sterilized.

Edit by Changsha Aikeyi Homeware Co.,Ltd